Empowering Businesses with
PLM to Streamline Product Development

Enable digital transformation with PLM for fast, efficient,
and collaborative product development!

Reduce Time-to-Market with Connected Product Development

BrainWave (BWC) optimizes your processes from product ideation to product end-of-life with strategic planning and software toolsets developed with robust consulting methodology.

We provide Digital Thread consulting for your product information & help you develop Digital Blueprint using CAD/PLM/Digital Manufacturing solution. Our teams help with risk management, value assessment, business strategy, and program management. The demands of each company are unique; thus, we recommend a custom approach and provide tailor-made solutions.

BrainWave PLM/ Digital Thread Consulting and Audit Services

Advance your Digital Journey with PLM

Streamlined collaboration and communication

Enhanced design and engineering capabilities

Efficient product data management

Improved supply chain management

Real-time visibility into the product lifecycle

Regulatory compliance and quality control

Maximize Your Business Potential with Expert PLM Consulting Services

Discover the path to success and growth with our comprehensive PLM consulting expertise. Connect with us today to


The 3DEXPERIENCE platform comprises a suite of interconnected applications designed to streamline and enhance different aspects of your business. This includes applications for product design and development, simulation, manufacturing, project management, and collaboration. For example, CATIA facilitates advanced 3D product design, ENOVIA manages product data and lifecycle, and SIMULIA enables realistic simulation. These applications work cohesively to improve collaboration, innovation, and efficiency across your entire business workflow.
Our approach to 3DEXPERIENCE implementation involves a meticulous process. We start with a thorough analysis of your current systems and business processes. Based on this assessment, a customized implementation plan is devised, ensuring minimal disruption and maximum efficiency. Our experienced team collaborates closely with your stakeholders, providing training, support, and regular communication throughout the implementation process to guarantee a successful integration of 3DEXPERIENCE into your organization.
Our 3DEXPERIENCE Integration services are highly flexible and tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. We begin by understanding the specific requirements and challenges of your company. Brainwave then designs a personalized 3DEXPERIENCE integration solution that aligns with your business processes and goals. Whether it’s adapting to existing workflows, accommodating specific data structures, or incorporating industry-specific functionalities, our Integration services are designed to be adaptable and customizable to ensure a seamless fit with your company’s requirements.
Data migration is a critical aspect of 3DEXPERIENCE implementation as it ensures the seamless transfer of your existing data into the new system. This process is crucial for maintaining continuity in your business operations and preserving historical information. Proper data migration guarantees that your team can access and utilize essential information without disruptions, enabling a smooth transition to the enhanced capabilities offered by the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. It’s a key step in maximizing the benefits of your PLM system.