Exceed Customer Expectations by pivoting
to Digital Factory Experiences

Transforming Manufacturing with Digital Innovation
through Engineering Excellence

Streamlining Production through Digital Factory Solutions

As businesses strive to innovate, streamline operations, and deliver exceptional customer experiences, specialized services like Industrial engineering services offer invaluable solutions. Traditional manufacturing approaches often struggle to keep up with the increasing complexity and pace of modern production requirements.

We offer expertise in optimizing processes, enhancing productivity, and ensuring quality across manufacturing operations combating modern problems swiftly. With digital factories, we leverage advanced technologies like automation, data analytics, and IoT to revolutionize production workflows, enabling seamless integration of electronics, mechanics, and embedded systems.

At BWC, we recognize the pressing need for these transformative solutions. Our tailored services are designed to empower businesses to unlock their full potential, drive innovation, and maintain a competitive edge in today’s rapidly evolving market landscape.

BWC’s Digital Factory experts will enable customers to define and optimize their operations to accurately plan with comprehensive 3D process and resource planning tools to:

  • Create and optimize sustainable manufacturing systems via 3D Modeling
  • Virtual validation of Robotics using digital twin technology to save time and cost
  • Resolve ergonomic problems virtually early to ensure employee safety and well being
  • Create and simulate a 3D virtual twin of entire factories, from the layout of machines to work cells and production lines. Using real-world data, manufacturers can simulate and compare realistic scenarios

Our Digital Factory Solutions Provide the Following Simulations

Plant Simulation

BWC excels in Plant Simulation by creating detailed 3D virtual models of entire factories, including machinery layouts, workstations, and production lines. These digital twins allow for comprehensive process optimization and scenario analysis, using real-world data to identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies. The result is a significant boost in operational efficiency and informed decision-making, leading to reduced costs and improved plant performance. By virtually testing different scenarios, we ensure that you can make strategic, data-driven decisions to enhance your factory’s overall productivity.

Line Simulation

In line simulation, we specialize in process mapping, which involves visualizing and analyzing each step of the manufacturing process. This allows us to detect and address bottlenecks and inefficiencies within production lines effectively. By optimizing the synchronization of production processes, we help businesses improve throughput and reduce lead times. Enhanced flexibility enables quick adaptation to change in demand or production requirements, while optimized line processes contribute to improved product quality by minimizing defects and rework.

Machine Simulation

With Machine Simulation, BWC offers detailed digital modeling of individual machines within your production line. This allows for precise performance analysis and maintenance planning, helping to optimize machine uptime and reliability. By simulating various conditions, we identify opportunities for performance improvements and develop preventive maintenance schedules that reduce operational costs and minimize downtime. Our machine simulation capabilities ensure that your equipment operates at peak efficiency, contributing to overall operational excellence and cost savings.

Robot Simulation

BWC’s Robot Simulation and Programming services provide the ability to model robotic systems and assess their integration into your production processes. We develop and test robot programming in a virtual environment, ensuring precision and efficiency while identifying potential collisions and ensuring safe operations. This enhances automation, improves the flexibility of robotic systems, and ensures that changes in production requirements can be accommodated quickly and safely. By optimizing robotic performance and safety, BWC helps you achieve a higher level of operational efficiency and accuracy in your automated processes.


Our Ergonomics services focus on evaluating and improving workplace conditions to enhance the safety and comfort of human operators. We assess and design ergonomic workstations that minimize strain and increase productivity, while also ensuring compliance with health and safety regulations. Through human factors analysis, we identify ways to improve work conditions and enhance employee well-being and satisfaction. By creating safer and more comfortable work environments, BWC helps you boost worker productivity, reduce injury risks, and improve overall job satisfaction and retention.

Why BWC For Your Digital Factory Solutions

Ready to Transform Your Operations with Digital Factory?

Unlock the full potential of your manufacturing processes with BWC's advanced simulation, ergonomic assessments, and innovative solutions.


Optimize Manufacturing Operations

Achieve & sustain operational excellence – Operational Flexibility, Cost Reduction, Better Quality

Eliminate Silos ol Operation

Enable cross-functional manufacturing processes that facilitates operational flexibility, efficiency improvement & resource optimization in production, quality, materials & maintenance.

Optimize Assets

Optimize manufacturing assets through real-time monitoring of OlE and integroted maintenance planning and execution- Reduce Waste, Inventory & Cycle times.

Maintain Visibility

Make informed decisions based on real-time data-Control all manufacturing operations, planning & Analysing production capacity.

Seamless Collaboration

Connecting critical stakeholders with contextual workflows- optimized production processes integrated with other systems & Continuous improvement.
Seamless Collaboration Connecting critical stakeholders with contextual workflows – Optimized production processes integrated with other systems & Continuous improvement. Enables companies to handle all operations across their manufacturing enterprise via a single, unified solution that operates as a highly configurable manufacturing platform.

Looking for Other Tech Services?

Discover our Diverse Technological Expertise in our range.

Technical Application Support

BWC provides end-to-end Technical Application Support, from planning and design to Integration and Innovation.

Data Analytic

BWC provides comprehensive Data Analytics support, from data collection and analysis to actionable insights and implementation.

Manufacturing and Operations

We specialize in delivering innovative engineering solutions tailored to optimize manufacturing processes and enhance operational efficiency

Streamline Operations to Deliver Exceptional Customer Experience with Our Digital Factory Services

Contact Us to enhance efficiency and productivity across your operations